Monday, April 29, 2013

Un-Sung Hero!

We celebrate those men and women who leave their families to defend our freedoms, we celebrate those who run toward a bomb blast instead of away from it, and we celebrate great feats of endurance or courage! All of which are well worth our accolades, but what about those Mom's who give up time, sleep, personal goals, and go that extra mile to help their kids in this crazy ride we call life! Are they as courageous and brave as these other heroes?! When I look at my Mom, I say YES!

When I am at the end of my rope, barely hanging on, there is my Mom, tying another knot and giving me a boost to reach it!

For every daughter or son that got married, she is right there making a cake, or a dress, or planning the reception, or taking a pick up full of furniture for newlyweds! OR best of all booby trapping your new home!  For every baby born, she was there celebrating with us! For every family member added through marriage, she was there accepting and including them! Even when there is a family member we would like to hang by their toe nails, she is there defending, and looking at the point of view of the toe nail hanger.  She has attended every baby blessing, baptism, and graduation, of every grand kid. When a son graduates from basic, she drives 16 hours to be present. For every phone call at 2 AM of the panicked new mom, there was her patience and wisdom to calm the new mom! For that phone call freaking out because your kinder gardener came home with a 'new' concept that made you go...What the heck! How do I respond to THAT!? For every family dinner that needs made, she is right in the thick of things helping get it done!

For every emergency; from car wrecks to heart attacks, she is right there, calm, patient, strong, loving and kind!

So do I think she deserves the praise and accolades that other heroes receive?! Absolutely! Every bit!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

I am going rouge!

After three years of home schooling with the 'help' of a contact teacher and a state approved charter school I have decided to go at it on my own! This came with much thought, discussion, prayer, and concern. The always present question; am I doing the right thing? Is this the right thing for my kids? Are they going to learn all they need to? Are they going to be well adjusted adults?

Well ready or not here I go! Hopefully this decreases stress and allows me more time to work with my kids instead of worrying about the next progress report, the next test, the next portfolio conference! We will see!

I suppose since there is NO way to teach my kids everything there is to know about everything I will just work toward giving them a LOVE of learning and the ability to teach themselves anything they want to learn!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Lost Couple years!

I feel like I lost a couple years in those two years I was in school. Thankfully that era is past! I can maybe keep this darn thing updated! I love reading other peoples blogs, its fun to hear what is going on in their lives and to read their particular writing style. I probably have all of 5 readers my sisters and my mom, but I don't care! I like keeping a record (with pictures) of what has been going on in life! Here is a cute family pic Amanda took! Not sure what else needs updated. I am sure there is a LOT......

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Lessons as a Mom......

I learned a lesson tonight that I wish I never had to learn as a Mom. Sometimes your kids get hurt and you are powerless to prevent it! I have worked so hard to keep my kids safe and comfortable, but I suppose they are not suppose to be safe and comfortable all the time. It's so hard to watch but I know it is for their own good to go through hard things. Tonight Shelby missed an activity she really wanted to go to because she didn't take the time to verify when it was. She was very sad and I was sad for her, but on the other hand I was glad she (hopefully) learned the lesson that if you want to attend something, you sometimes have to be proactive and find out details. You can't wait for other people to do it for you (namely Mom).

She also got bucked off a horse tonight. Scared the SH*# outta me! My stomach is still in knots which is why I am up posting at 11:20 at night when I need to be up at 5:30 am! It was another lesson for me in being powerless to keep her from harm! She is going to run into so many potential dangers as she starts to come into these teenage years, and I can't protect her from that! I have tried to teach her, but that is where my power ends! I guess this is so hard for me since she is my oldest and these lessons I have known in my brain, but they have just hit my heart! My baby is growing up! She will get broken hearts, hopefully no broken bones, she will get hurt, but she is tough she can handle it! Now lets see if I can!?!

Monday, January 10, 2011


I finally took the time to change my background and font color, next I need to take the time to actually post, I got a few pictures I want to post........

Maybe I will get a chance this week.....

Or it might be another 5 months before I have time to even look at it again....!?

Saturday, March 20, 2010


I love spring, I had to post on this beautiful first day of spring. I love to hear the birds singing again, I LOVE that I can kick my kids outside a LOT more often, they get much needed exercise and fresh air. I get a much needed break from fighting! Every spring I am so grateful to start my garden all over again, look forward to summer swimming and playing in the wonderful sunshine! Spring is by far my favorite season, even if it means we get gale force winds 5 out of seven days for the next two months!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

My 'baby' is 11!!!

What to say about my oldest turning 11??? I AM NOT OLD ENOUGH FOR THIS!! But then again I just noticed (while I was looking through pictures to find the cake picture) that I am getting some pretty DEEP crows feet!!!

I had to post Shelby's cake because it was her brain child! She said 'Mom we should do a pet shop bowling on top of a cake since we are going bowling for my birthday' UH do we do THAT??

This is how we did THAT:

Not bad for an amateur and an 11 year old! (dad stepped in to help too, when we couldn't decide how wide to make the bowling lane)